Now I'm back in my home state, Minnesota. Most likely for the next year or so. And even though I grew up here, I'm feeling a little bit like a fish out of water.
I don't know. All this sorry business is freaking me out. I think I miss the asshole-yness of Montreal already!
For one thing everyone here is really, really nice. Like when I'm walking down the street people make eye contact, smile and exchange pleasantries with me! And they don't even ask me for money afterwards. Weird, huh? Or in the grocery store if they reach in front of me to grab a can of beans they always say they are "so sorry". Not even just a mumbled sorry, they are emphatically so sorry. And I think they mean it!
In fact, my fellow Minnesotans seem to be sorry for everything they do that might be the
slightest inconvenience to others. If I ever have to take a step back so people can walk through I'm hit with a barrage of "I'm so sorry"s. Or if I get into one of those awkward little 'you move to the left, I move to the left' dances when passing someone in the hall the person is usually so sorry you'd think they had ripped my first born from my arms and devoured it in front of me.

I don't know. All this sorry business is freaking me out. I think I miss the asshole-yness of Montreal already!
But, when in Rome, do as the Romans.

So I offer you, my dear blog readers, a sincere and heartfelt apology for being so sporadic with postings and updates this month.
Hopefully I'll be able to update about Sophie's Dog Adoption's new intakes (look to the right to see all the new cuties!), successful adoptions and all the other stories that go along with rescue work much more often.
In the mean time I hope you'll know that I'm so, so sorry!