Last Tuesday Scott and I were going to take advantage of the lovely, rainy day and stay inside completing some paperwork. Instead we spent it running dogs to the vet, to the spay/neuter clinic, to foster homes and picking up a sweet little dog off of death row. Then we played food delivery drivers, bike messengers, professional dog walkers and mediators.
And only now, a week and a day later have we been able to sit down, breathe and tackle the paper work that has morphed from a pile of seemingly benign forms into a blood-sucking monster encased in a manila folder, ready to strike the moment we open it! I guess my high school teachers were right, procrastination only makes a task more difficult.
But, I'm really, really, really excited to say that today we finished the forms and tomorrow we will send off Sophie's Dog Adoption's application for official Registered Charity status!!!!!
The application takes over our lives!
Becoming a Registered Charity would mean two legal & financial things for Sophie's; First, as an organization we can issue tax receipt for individual and business donations and second, as a group we don't have to pay income tax.
Consulting our team of advisors. Clockwise from top: Ginger, me, Taco, Sophie, Tyson, Angelina, Julius and Viper
While these two things are of huge consequence for us, especially since money is always short in the rescue world, the thing I'm thrilled about is that the process of filling out the application made us look at and verbalize our goals and objectives as an organization. We also got the chance to think, as a group of volunteers, about the long term role of Sophie's Dog Adoption in relieving the suffering and proliferation of homeless and unwanted dogs in Montreal.
Tyson wants a cuddle-time clause!
And it's amazing to think that if our application is approved and we gain Registered Charity status we can move towards becoming more secure financially and then branching out to do this kind of outreach and education. Especially around the issue of sterilization.
All there is left to do is wait...
So cross your fingers and hopefully in 6-9 months we'll all be celebrating this new phase of Sophie's Dog Adoption!
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