Having survived the two wars and the bombing of the dog shelter I imagine the 14 hour plane ride and then week long journey up from the states were nothing. But, all three still seemed happy to be out of crates and exploring this strange new place.

I'm just glad they came on an unusually warm fall day to help ease the transition to the land of snow and ice!
This is Leslie:

She is shy, but alert and curious. Just a bit unsure perhaps. But then who wouldn't be after being shipped half way around the world?!
She is great with other dogs, but had the misfortune of growing up in a shelter, so we don't know how she'll behave in a house. Right now she's being kennelled in Laval. We hope to get her into a foster home soon! Contact me if you want to help!
This little guy is Bodi:

What an absolute delight! He seems to be a Teckel, Corgi mix. And I must admit his good looks have me smitten. Nothing seems to phase this little guy. He sat contently on my lap the whole car ride and then had a great time checking out the dog park and Parc Lafontaine. He's looking for a temporary place to crash too!
And this handsome man is Sunny:

Sooo affectionate and loving! He loves to be petted and reassurred. He had fun learning about squirrels and pigeons at the park.

He was scared of other dogs at the run, but after circling the area a couple of times together he seemed more confident and started having some fun! Those eyes could melt any heart!

Scott spent his morning with Tiny on the mountain, where they both had a great time. So great that Scott brought the rest of the dogs up there later and Viper scaled all the way to the summit! We'll have to put a little "Viper-man" flag up there now.
Tiny is a young Great Dane who came off of death row at a high-kill shelter here in Montreal. He's pretty excited to be out of dangers way and he's definitely seizing this new life! He's a HUGE puppy and like all puppies is getting himself into plenty of trouble with us humans.

He's great with other dogs (even blue ones) and loves the dog run.

And leaning up against you to get your attention. Which is so cute, if you can stay upright :)

After the all the busy running around Scott and I got home and were so tired we could barely hold a conversation and had to work pretty hard not to fight with each other. After some food and a "no more dog talk" rule we fell asleep to the sound of rain.
A rainy day after a manic Monday. What could be a better excuse for staying in doors and doing all the paper work we're behind on?
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