Monday, November 19, 2007

Welcome to the foster family!

Yikes! After a brief lull in activity at Sophie's Dog Adoption, it looks like we're back to the usual manic-dog-rescue-state. We've had some serious medical emergencies, dogs in need of immediate rescue and placement, a rescue trip to Ontario, all the regular vet appointments, food deliveries, foster shuffling and incoming inquiries, plus the Jolie-Pitt puppies went to their new foster homes!

Brad's bachelor pad.
I was really apprehensive about dropping the puppies off with their new fosters. I envisioned watery puppy eyes begging me not to leave them, little cries of abandonment and clinging claws. Wow, I couldn't have been more off base! Once the puppies saw the houses full of people to play and cuddle them they were totally like, uhhh yeah, see ya later whats-your-name. I couldn't be happier knowing that they are getting individual attention, love, training and play time in their great new foster homes!
Shiloh our superstar rocking out with her new foster family

All of the puppy's foster homes are new to Sophie's Dog Adoption, so I want to give them a HUGE welcome and THANK YOU! You guys totally rock!
Baby Z with her crew. Ummm.... swoon!

We are always in need of foster homes! Without our amazing and generous volunteer fosters we couldn't save a single dog, much less over a hundred annually. Each home is a saved life. So please get in contact with us if you want to help a rescue pup! You'll be rewarded with that special kind of love only a saved dog can give.

These wonderful guys are all still in need of foster homes:

Check Sophie's Dog Adoption or Our Petfinder Page for contact information!

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