Friday, November 30, 2007
Meet: Gracie an Ontarian Outlaw
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Name Game
Sometimes it's because they don't have a name, sometimes they don't respond to the name they were given, sometimes when they've been abused we worry that they have bad associations with their previous name and, to be honest, on occasion the names they come with are just terrible.
But, our collective creative juices have been running low lately and it would be nice to have a stash of names to choose from when a dog ends up at our door.
We need your help!
Help us come up with original names for our rescues! Tell us your favorite dog names and what kind of dog you imagine with that name! What about your own companion animal? How did you choose their name? Was it a name you've always loved or did your pet's personality dictate its name?
Azalee pictured above was adopted today and given a new name... Maggie! It fits her don't you think?
Friday, November 23, 2007
Meet: Three Puppymill Victims

These three babies were rescued from a puppymill by Rosie's Animal Adoption, a Montreal grassroots rescue group.
As a result of inbreeding these puppies were all born with severe and dangerous genetic defects. In order to keep costs low and profits high, puppymills and backyard breeders mate parents with offspring and siblings with siblings, with disastrous health results.
Because of the extent of their health problems the rescue and veterinarians decided a humane option would be to euthanize the puppies. As the rescue said, "no animal should be brought into this world in such a horrible state that euthanasia be his or her best option".
Read the tragedy of these three Golden angels at here.
Please never buy an animal online, from a pet store or person claiming to be a breeder. Spread the word about puppymills and backyard breeders. And remember these three puppies, who were born into the world as prisoners of greed and ultimately died for the dollar.
Meet: Angelina of the Terrible Teens
So, instead of just oogling little Miss Angie in a dreamlike trance, as I'm apt to do, I'll share some of my experiences with adolescent rescue dogs.
Angie was 9 months old when she was dumped. She was at the beginning of her adolescent phase, which in dogs is from around 8 months to when they reach a little over a year.
So, when people get a puppy and they survive the months of housetraining, teething, puppy destruction and crate training, they expect to finally have a harmonious and easy life with their dog. And for about a month they do. Then their dogs become teenagers and the obedience training is out the window, the garbage is spread all over the house, and the humans are easily frustrated.
A lot of times, they dump their dogs, seeing them as hopeless causes, perpetual pains-in-the-ass. In fact, this is the most common age for a dog to end up at a shelter or a rescue.
But, the reality is, just like the peeing-all-over-the-house stage of puppyhood, this defiant and stubborn stage is just a phase that will pass. And when people consistently reward their dog for the behaviours they want (lying in their bed, calmly asking for attention, politely playing) and ignore the other hair-pulling, teeth gritting behaviours the dog will grow up into a well rounded and well behaved companion.
So if your dog is a teenager, or getting there, be prepared to hide your shoes and socks, lock the garbage cabinet, and spend a lot of time outside exercising. Oh and you might want to brush up on your deep breathing!
You and your dog will get through this. I promise! And when you do you'll have that balanced, harmonious and rewarding relationship you hoped for. Consistent training, keeping your cool when your dog does something you see as naughty, and keeping your dog mentally and physically exercised are key.
So count to five, take a deep breath and work on keeping your relationship with your dog a loving and strong one.
Enjoy your dog for everything she is right now, because you might even miss her crazy antics when she grows out of them. Oh, and be thankful your dog isn't a human- you'll only have to deal with this for a couple months instead of a couple YEARS!
This post is a big shout-out to my mom and dad, who unfortunately decided to have a me instead of a dog and had to suffer through many years of door slamming, screaming fights, sneaking out and all those other lovely typical teenager behaviours. Admit it, you miss it a little....kidding!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Welcome to the foster family!

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Happy Tails: Sierra

Sierra was one of our underdogs who stuck it out with us for an entire year, but she is proof that there is a great home out there for every dog.
Thanks to Sierra's adopter Maxime for sending in his Happy Tail!
Go check out our cover girl for yourself! And while you're there feel free to browse the over 260,000 rescue animals looking for their very own happy tails.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Meet: A Rockstar & A Colorful Candy
Another youngin', Skittles was found dumped by the side of a busy road. This trusting, loving and affectionate 1 year old Schnauzer/Poodle mix was no match for speeding traffic. Luckily someone spotted him and now he's with Sophie's.
Just like Ozzy, Skittles is relaxing, decompressing and starting to overwrite memories of abuse and neglect with more recent memories of the walks around the park, cuddling and meeting friendly new faces!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Our Underdogs!

Jaime and Fern are totally rad! They are such caring and kind people who do amazing work for the rescue dogs who really are the worst off.

Loving, affectionate, loyal, charming and perfectly well-behaved. The only thing he loves as much as people is chasing squirrels in the park!
Adorable, cuddly, well behaved, inquisitive and spunky. Bodi is loving his new dog friends and human friends, oh and exploring the city!Freckles
So cute, gentle, and curious. She loves exploring in the woods all by herself and making humans laugh out loud with her funny expressions and actions! Oh, and she'll jump in the air for a piece of her favorite vegan cake!
If you're interested in having beautiful pictures of your own canine companions taken contact Jaime. Erika and Mylo had their"family photos" taken with Jaime and they are amazing! Erika is sending them out as Christmas cards! I hope I'm on her mailing list!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Meet: Milou the Minature Poodle!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Meet: Three Death-Row Pardons!
Some are found as strays, wandering city streets, usually emaciated, extremely dirty and infested with fleas.
And others are taken off of death-row.
Yesterday Sophie got a call from her contact at a kill shelter about 2 dogs slated for destruction.
Neither had behavioural issues or severe health issues and, in fact, both had passed the adoption evaluation with flying colors. Still, these perfectably adoptable dogs were going to be killed.
The reason they were going to die: one has an ear infection and the other has a small rash on his rear leg. Both of these are easily treatable conditions that won't cost more than $25 to cure.
It's hard to imagine having so little value for life. An ear infection- kill the dog. A rash- kill the dog. Nervous- kill the dog. Doesn't want to play- kill the dog. Over the age of 7- kill the dog.
And while we can't ever save all the dogs that are on death row, hell we can hardly make a dent in the number that will die this week, today we welcomed three new friends into the rescue and out of harms way.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Meet: The Jolie-Pitt Puppies!
Meet the six little dudes we've been fostering for the last six weeks! Scott was here from the moment of their birth and I really hope he gets an opportunity to share his experiences. I know there were about three weeks of no-sleep before I even got into town. Can you imagine?!
And while now they sleep through the night, they still cause plenty of other trouble now that they're up and able to run, climb, chew and bark. They keep us on our toes, to say the least!
The puppies were born to Angelina, a petite Pit Bull mix who is very affectionate, incredibly bright, a super athlete and a total cuddlebug!We don't know what the male was, and we won't have a better idea until the puppies are around 5 months and start growing out of their generic puppy faces and bodies.
Either way they have a mother with a wonderful disposition and temperament!
Oh and they're named after Angelina Jolie-Pitt's kids. Scott always wanted to name a Pit Bull "Brad". Brad Pit. So with a mommy named Angelina it seemed a natural progression. Plus, they already did the hard work of coming up with original names!
The puppies are on our petfinder site now ( and will be ready to be adopted when they are 8 weeks old.
So without much further ado, I'm pleased to introduce the little devils that keep our house full of lively energy, laughter and moments of utter awe! Oh, and poop. They keep our house full of lots and lots of poop.
PaxI know you're not supposed to have favorites, but I'll be honest Pax is totally my homeboy. We're pretty much inseparable. Sometimes when he sneaks out of the puppy room, I pretend I don't notice, and then I start running back and forth in the apartment while he chases me! He's totally loving and affectionate like his momma, plus he's got this wild, adventurous, have-no-fear side. Oh and when he eats his belly gets fat and I call him Pax the Pumpkin. Sigh.
Maddox Maddox is the little baby of the bunch. She's so loving and cuddly. I sense she's going to be very human oriented and get a lot of joy from being close to her human companion. She's the quietest of the bunch as she searches out our dirty socks to give us as gifts! How thoughtful! She likes to climb all the way up your shirt to give you kisses. I've yet to meet someone who can resist her and her subdued antics!
Brad Pitt Brad Pitt is a stud. He's so fun and outgoing and adventurous. He was the first to crawl then walk then run and now climb. He leads the rest of the pack into the new and unknown parts of the house. He's usually the first to poop there too. Like I said, trail blazer. He's going to be a very entertaining and engaging young man when he grows up.
Jennifer AnistonYeah, so maybe you were wondering what we were going to call the last puppy since Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt only have four kids. Well, officially, we're calling her Angelina, as in Angelina Junior. But one day I jokingly said we should name her Jennifer Aniston and it stuck! Plus, our vet tech laughed so hard and said "Oh my god that's so cruel!" so that pretty much sealed the deal. Heck, I love this puppy so much, maybe it will even rub off on the real Jennifer Aniston, who I've vehemently been opposed to since, well, since forever.
This Jennifer Aniston is outgoing and a total goof. She's Brad Pitt's female counterpart. They rule the roost together!
So those are the Pitts! Stay tuned for more adventures with our celebrity house crashers!