Can you imagine surviving two wars, the bombing of your home, cancer, chemotherapy, a move halfway around the world and then being hit by a car?! Poor Sunny, he must think he's a cat with 9 lives!
I was at home bloating Angie's already big head, telling her how she's most assuredly the cutest little munchkin in the whole world when the phone rang. Scott answered and it was just immediately one of those TV moments where everything sort of fades away and all you can hear is a racing pulse. It was like I knew something was seriously wrong, I just didn't know what.
It was Sunny's foster family calling as they rushed him to the emergency clinic on the south shore letting Scott know that Sunny had been hit by car, that he badly injured and could we please come meet them?
Sunny was checked into the emergency clinic where they checked for internal bleeding, punctured lungs, breaks and bruises. Sunny had a broken leg, a fractured chest and air pockets building in his lungs. They immediately stabilized him and put him on heavy-duty painkillers, but we'd have to wait until the surgeon came in on Monday before we'd know the full prognosis.

The severity of the break in Sunny's leg and chest was greater than we first anticipated. In fact, his leg wasn't so much broken as shattered into tiny pieces. Setting the break would be impossible without surgery. And even then his leg would still need an external stabilizer.
Oh, and the surgery would cost more than $5,000.
At Sophie's Dog Adoption our adoption fee is $275, which just barely covers the costs of a routine health screening, sterilization and vaccination. It does not leave us much financial room for medical emergencies of this caliber.

But, of course, there was no way we weren't going to help Sunny fully recover and find that forever family we promised him. The vet was so surprised and pleased that a rescue would choose to save the dog and take on the expense that he even donated 3 of his 5 hours of labor for free!
So after a very grueling surgery Sunny emerged: part dog, part machine (Just kidding Sunny, you look good in metallic!)

There is still extensive rehabilitation, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy for Sunny to go through. He can only take a brief 5 minute walk a day. No stairs. No chasing his beloved squirrel friends. Just lots of cuddle time on the couch, which I'm sure he's managing just fine :)

So the good news is, Sunny the Survivor is on his way to a full recovery. The bad news, we're desperately trying to pay off his $5,000 bill. So keep your eye out for some fun and hopefully fruitful Sophie's Dog Adoption fundraisers. Anyone care for a vegan cupcake?!

And if you'd like to make a contribution towards Sunny's medical expense or to help any of the dogs we currently have in the rescue please contact Sophie directly. Every donation of any size helps and is so appreciated! Or, if you'd like to help us with fundraising activities let me know!